About Us
New Zealand Vietnam Veterans Association (Incorporated) is a society registered and incorporated under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908, and is an affiliated member of the Royal New Zealand Returned Services Association (Incorporated).
Founded in 1977, it has 1100 members, consisting of persons who served with the Allied Forces in the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War. Associate Membership is also available to qualifying family members of Vietnam Servicepersons, and to others such as Red Cross and Salvation Army members who assisted Allied forces in South Vietnam.
The objectives of nzVva are to promote on-going comradeship amongst members, and to assist with the welfare of Vietnam Veterans, their children and whanau.
Office Holders
President: Graham Gibson
Vice President: Barry Dreyer
Kaumatua: Andy Peters
Secretary: Carol Taylor
Treasurer: Carol Taylor
Quartermaster: Ken Ford
Welfare: Helen Pearse-Otene, Jack Flanagan
Reunions: Leon Orange
Jenny Mullane, Gaylene Wilson, Rex Alexander, Dean Culhane, Dale Stokes, Aroha Thompsen, Paul O'Connor, Ronan Tua
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