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Founded in 1977 to promote on-going comradeship amongst members, and to assist with the welfare of Vietnam Veterans, their children and whanau. 

Latest News 

***Stop Press***


The Chair, Sir Jerry Mateparae and the Trustees of the Vietnam Veterans & Their Families Trust invite you and your whanau to the Annual General Meeting at the World Cup Lounge, Level 4, Gate G, Eden Park, 42 Reimers Avenue, Kingsland on Saturday 1 February 2025.  Please arrive by 10 am for Tea/Coffee & Biscuits for the AGM which starts at 10.30 am.  A light lunch will be served after the AGM.  The Trustees would be honoured to have you join them.

Please RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 24 January 2025 (for catering purposes)


The reunion held in Taupo was a great success.  Photos will be available here soon.  


At the 2024 National AGM, a new constitution was approved and will be submitted to Incorporated Societies.  When it has been approved by them, it will be available here for viewing.


Information about the temporary suspension by Veterans’ Affairs of new VIP services to clients without a service-related health condition

Key points

  • From 13 March 2024, VA suspended the Veterans’ Independence Programme (VIP) for new clients without a service-related condition. The suspension will last for one year (until March 2025).
  • There will be no change to the availability and delivery of VIP services to veterans who have a service-related injury or illness from their qualifying service that VA have accepted. 
  • Any veteran who already has VIP services in place will continue to receive them under their existing conditions. 

For further information visit the VA website at the following link:

NZ Vietnam Veterans' Intergeneration Health by Eddie Nock 

This research was submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Health Practice (Violence and Trauma Studies), Auckland University of Technology.  The qualitative project describes the experiences of two NZ Vietnam Veterans and three generations of their families demonstrating the passage of intergenerational health.  To read more of this project,  click here




New item available in Q Store.  $20 each.  Click here for further information


The NZDF Health Hub website can be found here and is worth exploring.  It is part of the work going forward on the health of veterans, serving men & women, and whanau.  A video on how to use the website can be found by clicking on this link: You will find resources for all members of the NZDF community here.

 Veterans' Affairs Website - "Learn About Our claims Process"

Veterans' Affairs have advised us that they have a new section on their website called "Learn about our Claims Process".  It contains information specifically for their clients.

It talks about processing times for claims, how to make a claim and what to expect after a claim has been made.  This is initial info and it will be updated quarterly on the website.  

Click on the link below to the new section: 

 Vietnam Veterans (Neville Wallace Memorial) Children's & Grandchildren's Trust

The Trust have a new website up and running as the old domain had outlived its usefulness.  The new site can be accessed at:


At the recent 2024 AGM held during the reunion, the new constitution was approved.  This allows membership to the NZ Vietnam Veterans Association to be free of charge.  Those who are Veterans, their spouses/partners/widows along with their whanau can become members of the Association.

Please email the Secretary/Treasurer for a membership form. 

Agent Orange and other research papers 

Click on the links below to access papers submitted by Eddie Nock on

 An update on his research paper can be accessed (click here) along with the information sheet  here


Available for purchase direct from the Jeweller.  If you wish to know more information about these rings please contact

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or

Click on the following link: 


Members only area.  Create an account to access the new message board and other member information.  You need to be a financial member to access this area.